Happy Birthday, Thoree and Bruno!!


Happy Birthday, Thoree and Bruno!!

Dear readers,

Before we continue with what we are going to be doing today (spoiler alert: the title gives it away), I need to tell you something important. About two months ago, I started this blog, and the first two posts were about Thoree, Bruno, and Otto. Yet those two posts were four days apart from each other, and after that, I went on a tangent talking about dog books. Where we last left off, I turned 10 and wanted my dog but still was unsure if he would be exactly loyal to me. And that was over a year ago. But now, I have new information that I just had a lot to cover, and decided that I want to do that in this post. Yet then I decided to hold off on the rest of the story leading up to how everything is today because I felt like it was kind of the wrong thing to mention on Thoree and Bruno’s birthday, and the story is a little sad. I wanted today to be a fun and joyous day, so the “Decision” post will be held off until further notice. I do not know when I will post it, but I’ll definitely try sometime soon, within the next 3 months. But you might still be wondering what happened and still want to know. For now, all you need to know is that this past March (2022), I visited Atlanta and the dogs in person for the first time in 2 years. Then, in June, I turned 11 and spent my Birthday in D.C. at my Aunt’s other house, and of course there were the dogs. And after that, a lot more happened, and I apologize for stalling the “Decision,” but I have to get on with what we are going to do today.

So, obviously, you might have guessed that today, September 12, is Thoree and Bruno’s birthday. I just want to write a card to them today. 

Dear Thoree and Bruno, 

Happy Seventh Birthday. What a wonderful five years we have been together. I just barely remember that wonderful day we met, all the way back five years ago. We had just arrived in Atlanta and everyone had a surprise for me. Do you think what the surprise was? Guess. Did you get it? If you said yourself, you would be correct. You, of course, were surprised. I had never thought I would never get another dog, let alone two. I remember you two barking and running around, excited to meet a new person. I also remember Otto, who was angry that I didn’t pay that much attention to him anymore, but we don’t really talk about that anymore, do we? And of course, you guys and Otto didn’t get along at first, but I think later on you became besties. I remember my Aunt telling me that Bruno showed Otto how to climb onto the driver’s seat in the car. And even when Otto passed this past May, (just pausing the letter for a second, but yes, this past May Otto tragically died, but more on that later, maybe in the decision) you were still there in the household, which made his death bearable. I knew he was always like a father figure or some kind of teacher to you. And then, in June, I remembered how excited you were to see me in a new place. The door was barely open, yet you were able to sniff me or something like that and pushed open the door all by yourself!!  I have really enjoyed all my time with you, and I always crave that last second to be with you, and wish to see you again, maybe even this Thanksgiving. Also hope you two stay healthy, happy, and safe. Especially you, Thoree, the adventurous one. Don’t go down the ravine again!! Anyway, I wish you guys the best for the rest of your life. 


Young Master

Sharing memories all those years ago:

Thoree: Yummy!! Gimme some more!!
Bruno: Am I on camera? Get me out of this shower and away from this barking Otto!!
Thoree: This icky sea stuff is disgusting. Take a video of me relaxing on the couch!!
Bruno: Dear Thoree, I know you planted this lovely red flower, and you claim it’s yours, but I’m sorry. This is my flower now, so get your own!!
Dogs: Put us in a movie where we venture across uncharted territory!!
Thoree: Stop!! This is MY cart. Get out. It’s too crowded in here!!
Thoree: Bruno!! Stop pushing ME out!! Bruno: How about YOU stop squeezing ME in!!
Dogs: Put us in a picture and frame us on a wall!!